Hiral S. Shah & Associates  
  M - 5, SHIVAM, Sion Circle,  
  Sion (East), Mumbai - 400 022.  
  +91-22-24093435 / 75  
MVAT / Sales Tax
MVAT / Sales Tax is state level indirect tax levied on sale of goods (including computer software), work contract and hiring of goods. Compliance requirements have increased expert services for maintaining of records and calculation of tax liability. We provide the following services pertaining to VAT / Sales Tax :
  • Registration with MVAT / Sales Tax Authorities.
  • Filing of Periodical Returns and calculation of tax liability.
  • Assisting with other MVAT / Sales Tax compliances.
  • Procurement of Statutory Forms.
  • MVAT Planning and Advisory Services.
  • Representation for Assessment, Appeals etc.
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